Jubilee Flotilla

It rained. A lot. By the time we got home my feet were soaking wet through my trainers. But it was still a great day out. We had champagne and sausage rolls, waterproofs and umbrellas.

We started watching at Rotherhithe, past the official end of the flotilla, but the riverside was still lined with people. We stood on the hill near the Angel pub and had a perfect view of the boats.

I hadn’t expected much, especially given the weather, but it really was a spectacular day. The rowers were incredible – so many small boats in the river – I’ve never seen anything like it.

There were choirs on boats, bagpipes, orchestras, bells… and from the shore so much cheering. Once the pleasure boats had passed, we walked along the river back to London Bridge. It wasn’t too crowded and it was a really great atmosphere.

However, when we passed Shad Thames and saw all the bunting along the fronts of the building and people cheering and singing from inside their river-facing, balconied flats, I realised that’s probably how I should have spent the day – watching it from the comfort and shelter of someone’s riverfront flat! Ah well, good day out despite the weather. Or maybe because of it – hardy Englishness in the face of strong weather conditions is something to patriotic about, surely!